Friday, August 12, 2011

Cool Tools Not Enough

The sharing of cool tools began. Our listserv sometimes had a hundred emails or more a day, as coaches began to explore the possibilities and web 2.0 tools came into their own. My colleague and I set forth on the task of addressing the "why?" Why should you use these cool tools? How do you keep the focus on curriculum? What should drive the integration of technology? We found the coaches who had a following and brought them together for a virtual pow-wow. We beseeched them to share cool tools carefully - and always in the context of curriculum. It worked. The conversation in the state began to change.

As we focused our coaches on the (then) 9 Roles of Coaching (Killion) and the Coaching Levels of Intensity (Bean), we began to think about how they overlap. And our summer vacation was spent developing the Elements of CFF Coaching. These elements eventually became the structure for our Coach Log on

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