The CCSS tell us that students should be able to compare and contrast a written piece to the same piece in a new medium. In particular, they should be able to critique it based on techniques that are unique to the medium.
Grade 7
7. Compare
and contrast a written story, drama, or poem to its audio, filmed, staged, or
multimedia version, analyzing the
effects of techniques unique to each
medium (e.g., lighting, sound, color, or
camera focus and angles in a film).
Grade 8
7. Analyze
the extent to which a filmed or live production of a story or drama stays
faithful to or departs from the text or
script, evaluating the choices made by
the director or actors.
The American Film Institute has a whole series of videos
about those techniques. Their focus is on how students can create meaning using
the same techniques film makers use.
The balance of this blog post provides you with many
resources. However, before we go on, I encourage you to consider prior blog
posts about students being able to strategically use technology to effectively
communicate. In the list of resources below, you’ll also see student-created
movie trailers and podcasts related to books they’ve read.
NOTE: Before you use movies in your classroom, be sure to check on
the associated copyright law.
A list of movies based on books is available at:
Of course, you could pull out filmstrips, VHS tapes, and
DVDs; however, most movie trailers are available online. Many movie clips are
also available. Check your sources, since not all of them were legally
uploaded. Also, check with sites that your school subscribes to.
Some other online sources include:
Movie Trailers
· Movie Trailers created by students
Student Reviews of the Hobbit - from TeacherTube
Movies and Audio Books Available on
Scarlet Letter videos on YouTube
Staged Productions
The Crucible -
Great Gatsby examples
The Great Gatsby Trailer 2012
The Great Gatsby Trailer 1974
Many movie clips are available as well.
Audio Books
Sources for Streaming Video
Streaming Video
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