I think it’s really important for educators to talk with
non-educators – those who are in the fields where many of our students will
work. It gives us a different perspective. I was talking with an electrical
engineer this weekend. From what I understand, he spends a lot of time studying
the flow of blood cells. We had an interesting conversation that got me to
thinking about two things: assessment and teaching the tool.
Part I - Today, let’s talk about assessment.
When I asked if his children could bring their own devices
to school, he said that they could not BYOD due to a concern about cheating. My response
was, “If they can Google it, then should they be asking the kids to answer the
question on a graded assessment?” Considering the deep thinking he does in his
area of expertise, I figured he’d answer no they should not. I was wrong. So,
we talked about the need for foundational knowledge. We all need to know our
multiplication tables. We need to be able to spell. We need certain factual
knowledge in order to do higher order thinking with it. Unless we fill in the
blanks at the lower end of Bloom’s Taxonomy, make connections to the content we
are reading and writing about, and build on our prior knowledge, we are not going to be able to analyze, evaluate,
synthesize, and create new meaning. However, if that foundational knowledge is
readily available to our students, should we be testing them on it? Or should
we be testing them on how they use it? Is the concern about cheating reason
enough for not allowing students to bring devices to school?
As our conversation progressed, he commented that you can
search all you want for facts and figures; however, he noted that they are
often going to be out of context or embedded into content – content that a
student may or may not understand. So, I ask, is cheating really the concern?
As technology becomes omnipresent, this is a conversation we
need to have.
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